Why birds matter

It’s not just what they do for the places they live in, it’s what they do for us as  people.

By Jonathan Franzen,
bird-watcher and novelist
Photographs by Joel Sartore

Australian finches

National Geographic PHOTOARK Joel Sartore

National Geographic Photographer Joel Sartore is working to photograph every animal in captivity. This project is called the National Geographic Photo  Ark.

Human Journey


As you read, think about what the writer’s main ideas are.

Go to article: CoverGo to article: In This IssueGo to article: Why Birds MatterGo to article: Flamingos - Why Birds MatterGo to article: Tailored to the Task - Why Birds MatterGo to article: Safe Places & Birds Matter - Why Birds MatterGo to article: Showcase - Why Birds MatterGo to article: Out of EdenGo to article: Stories - Out of EdenGo to article: The Magic Behind Their MovementGo to article: Spiny Lobsters - The Magic Behind Their MovementGo to article: Snakes - The Magic Behind Their MovementGo to article: Dall Sheep - The Magic Behind Their MovementGo to article: Crabs - The Magic Behind Their MovementGo to article: Penguins - The Magic Behind Their MovementGo to article: Crane - The Magic Behind Their MovementGo to article: Making a MoveGo to article: Explorer ClassroomGo to article: The End